Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Run, run, run (and a Bulu Box review!)

I've never thought of myself as a runner. Ever. I've gone through running phases where I'll start training for a race or I'll convince myself that this time, I really am going to stick with it. Ha ha ha! For some reason, I just can't get myself to keep going but yesterday, I think I finally figured out why.

I've been on a running kick for a few weeks now (since the beginning of January) and I've even signed myself up for a few low key races (one of them is technically a "March" but it's for an amazing cause so we signed up anyway). I was walking around the track yesterday with my best friend, Annie and we were talking about running and why we can never stay motivated to keep doing it on a regular basis. Here's my new theory: I always talk about myself as a runner in the future tense. "Someday I want to be able to run a half marathon like her. Someday I'll be able to run as fast as him. Someday I'll be able to say I completed a marathon blah blah blah..." So then I started thinking. Just because I can't run an 8 minute mile or run a full 10K today, doesn't mean I'm not a runner. Just because I can't run without taking a walk break every so often doesn't mean I'm not a runner. Did I run last night? Yes. Did I challenge myself? Yes. Did I enjoy myself? Yes... for the most part ;)

Interesting, eh? Don' give up!
I think I too often compare myself to others who are not in the same place as me and I need to give myself a little more credit for the things I have accomplished. I'm in way better shape today than I've ever been, I'm almost at my lowest weight since starting this whole journey for health, and I feel so much better about myself than I did a few years back. I've come a long way, and even though I have a long way to go, I'm still going way faster than everyone sitting on the couch!

Onto the next order of business: Bulu Box (note: this is not a sponsored advertisement, just my own thoughts)
Anybody heard of it? It's pretty cool. Basically, you pay a monthly fee of $10 and you receive a box of 4-5 healthy goodies in the mail. There are some pretty cool products and they range in utility (in this month's box I got some immunity boosting gum, a natural sleep aid, some sinus relief tablets and a few other neat things). I like the idea of the Bulu box a lot because I'm really not that into supplements and protein powders and what not, so this is a great way to try a few new things without breaking the bank and having to feel guilty when I don't use it all. Plus, if you do like a product they provide all the ordering information if you'd like to buy it in a bigger quantity.
Anybody else use Bulu Box? What do you think?
January's Bulu Box Goodies
Hope you're all having a fabulous day!

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