Monday, February 18, 2013

Poached Eggs for Presidents Day!

Yesterday was a LONG day(on the go from 4am-12am!) so today I'm just hanging out and relaxing, catching up on some homework and working on these CKI awards. I also have this head cold that won't go away, so I'm definitely taking advantage of this day off!

I decided to try something new today, poached eggs. Not gonna lie, poached eggs seemed like a really weird concept to me but I decided to try it anyway. I did some light reading on how to poach the perfect egg and I definitely got some mixed ideas but I decided to try the egg-in-glass method. Anybody else do it this way? Here's how it went down: I cracked an egg into a water glass and held it over a pot of almost boiling water for about a minute. I guess the benefit of this is that it helps the whites congeal a little before dropping them into the water. Once they were in the water I used a spoon to keep everything together. Surprisingly it went pretty well and I actually really like the texture of the poached eggs. Not too shabby!

I paired the eggs with some toast, fresh blueberries and the easiest TJ's precooked bacon!

What do you all think about poached eggs? Hope everyone's having a Happy President's Day!

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