Saturday, March 23, 2013

I'm Alive!!!

Holy Toledo!! It has been the craziest two weeks of my life...and by that I mean most ridiculously stressful, exhilarating, bonkers two weeks of my life ever. EVER! No joke... Anywho, now that I've brought it up, let me explain why! 

Don't forget... I gave up coffee for lent. Imagine the past 30 days of life.

So as I think I've mentioned before, my school is on the quarter system. Basically this means two things: Instead of our year being broken up into two semesters and having finals twice a year, our year is broken up into four parts and we have four rounds of finals per year... such a party! However, most of us only take three quarters of classes during the year and we take the summer off. Each quarter is ten weeks long so the pace of learning is definitely accelerated but for the most part I love it... except dead week. Dead week is supposed to be the week before finals where we have time to review and get questions answered before exams. Unfortunately dead week actually means spending every second of your spare time studying, writing papers, preparing presentations and wishing you had been more on top of things... at least for me ;)

And to make this round of finals just a tad more exciting, we also had our district convention for Circle K in sunny San Diego this past weekend (turn up the stress-o-meter!) For me, this convention was particularly important because I was running for one of the Lieutenant Governor positions andddd (drumroll pleaseeee), I WON!!! Woohoo! The process was very intimidating simply because it was so formal. I had to campaign, caucus and go before the House of Delegates before being elected. It was quite an ordeal but it was definitely a great experience. I am so proud of my division and I am beyond excited to be leading my gang of service loving college kids for the 2013-2014 year!

To sum it all up, I slept a total of 24 hours in 10 days, wrote 4 papers, started and finished a German presentation, worked on a monsters project, took a german test, continued with my usual babysitting schedule AND fulfilled all of my Circle K duties. And then I slept... a lot (but not until after finals). 

Can you imagine what I let slip during this crazy chaotic time? My gym time was seriously decreased... basically to the point of non-existence. However, I did continue to work on the intuitive eating challenge and that part went surprisingly well! I haven't weighed myself in a few months but I know I must be doing something right because I am finally down a pant size (and TWO dress sizes). I think this was because I wasn't stress eating during finals. I really, really tried listening to my body and for the most part I think I did a rockstar job! I usually don't give myself much credit for well, anything, but I think this deserves a reward. Sooo, I went shopping yesterday for some new (smaller!) clothes and I got my hair done! And now it's spring break so I get to hang out with my favorites babies, see my good friends, sleep lots and get pumped for next quarter! Cheers to spring break!!!

Back to the short hair (and the farthest from blonde I've ever been!)

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